HPC (SciClone and Chesapeake) Software

Last update: May 1st, 2018

The software matrix below itemizes the various packages which are available on William and Mary's SciClone cluster, organized by subcluster. Many other standard utilities are included in the RHEL/CentOS operating system distributions; with a few exceptions, those are not listed here, nor are application packages which are maintained independently by users or departments.

If you need a package that is not listed here, or would like to have a listed package installed on additional subclusters, please submit a Software Request via the HPC Help Desk or send an email to hpc-help@wm.edu .

To facilitate locating the software that you need, the table can be sorted on any column by clicking on the column heading. The following keys identify the various subclusters, compiler suites, and categories that are listed in the table.


bo/hi - Bora & Hima
vx - Vortex & Vortex Alpha
hu/ww - Hurricane & Whirlwind
st - Storm (Hail, Ice & Wind)
mlt - Meltemi
pt - Potomac
pm - Pamunkey

Python Info:

Please see this separate page which discusses the various distributions of Python on the cluster.

Compiler Key:

GCC - GNU Compiler Suite
PGI - Portland Group Compilers
Intel - Intel Compiler Suite

Category Key:

Bio - Computational biology and bioinformatics
Database - Database software
Data Mgmt - Data management software
Developer - Programming languages, compilers, and code development tools
Doc - Documentation systems and text processing tools
Geo - Geospatial and GIS libraries and programming environments
Graphics - Graphics libraries and toolkits
Lib - Library
MPI - MPI software
MathLib - Math Library
MathStat - Math and/or statistics software
Misc - General-purpose utilities and miscellaneous software
ModSim - modeling and simulation packages, including many discipline-specific applications
Optimization - Model Optimization software
Python - Python related software
System - Job schedulers and other system resource management and monitoring tools
UI - User interface libraries and toolkits

Note: Some software packages encompass several categories; for the sake of compactness, only the most descriptive category is listed in the table.

Software Table

Note: "def" means this is the default version of this compiler on this sub-cluster.

Note: Table can be sorted, click on heading to sort

Name URL Module Compiler Category bo/hihu/wwst vx mlt pt pm
Abinit v 7.10.5, Condensed matter physics software Abinit homepage abinit/7.10.5 GNU ModSim X
ACML 5.1.0 (AMD Core Math Library) ACML 5.1.0 guide acml/5.1.0/gcc GNU MathLib X
ACML 5.1.0 (AMD Core Math Library) ACML 5.1.0 guide acml/5.1.0/pgi PGI MathLib X
ACML 5.1.0 multi-threaded (AMD Core Math Library) ACML 5.1.0 guide acml-mp/5.1.0/gcc GNU MathLib X
ACML 5.1.0 multi-threaded (AMD Core Math Library) ACML 5.1.0 guide acml-mp/5.1.0/pgi PGI MathLib X
ACML 5.1.0 multi-threaded w/64bit integers (AMD Core Math Library) ACML 5.1.0 guide acml-mp-int64/5.1.0/gcc GNU MathLib X
ACML 5.1.0 multi-threaded w/64bit integers (AMD Core Math Library) ACML 5.1.0 guide acml-mp-int64/5.1.0/pgi PGI MathLib X
ACML 5.1.0 w/64bit integers (AMD Core Math Library) ACML 5.1.0 guide acml-int64/5.1.0/gcc GNU MathLib X
ACML 5.1.0 w/64bit integers (AMD Core Math Library) ACML 5.1.0 guide acml-int64/5.1.0/pgi PGI MathLib X
ACML 5.3.1 (AMD Core Math Library) ACML 5.3.1 guide acml/5.3.1/gcc GNU MathLib X X X
ACML 5.3.1 (AMD Core Math Library) ACML 5.3.1 guide acml/5.3.1/pgi PGI MathLib X X X
ACML 5.3.1 multi-threaded (AMD Core Math Library) ACML 5.3.1 guide acml-mp/5.3.1/gcc GNU MathLib X X X
ACML 5.3.1 multi-threaded (AMD Core Math Library) ACML 5.3.1 guide acml-mp/5.3.1/pgi PGI MathLib X X X
ACML 5.3.1 multi-threaded w/64bit integers (AMD Core Math Library) ACML 5.3.1 guide acml-mp-int64/5.3.1/gcc GNU MathLib X X X
ACML 5.3.1 multi-threaded w/64bit integers (AMD Core Math Library) ACML 5.3.1 guide acml-mp-int64/5.3.1/pgi PGI MathLib X X X
ACML 5.3.1 w/64bit integers (AMD Core Math Library) ACML 5.3.1 guide acml-int64/5.3.1/gcc GNU MathLib X X X
ACML 5.3.1 w/64bit integers (AMD Core Math Library) ACML 5.3.1 guide acml-int64/5.3.1/pgi PGI MathLib X X X
ACML 6.1.0 multi-threaded (AMD Core Math Library) ACML 6.1.0 guide acml-mp/6.1.0/gcc GNU MathLib X
Allpaths-lg v 47017, Short read genome assembler Allpaths-lg manual page allpathslg/47017/gcc GNU Bio X
Allpaths-lg v 52488, Short read genome assembler Allpaths-lg manual page allpathslg/52488 GNU Bio X
AMD APP SDK v 2.9-1, AMD development SDK (only available on ice nodes) AMD APP SDK guide amdappsdk/2.9-1 GNU ModSim X
AMOS v. 3.1.0, A modular open-source assembler AMOS wiki amos/3.1.0/gcc GNU Bio X
AMOS v. 3.1.0, A modular open-source assembler AMOS wiki amos/3.1.0 GNU Bio X
AMPL optimization software v. 201011025 AMPL homepage ampl/20101125 Optimization X X
AMPL optimization software v. 201011025 AMPL homepage ampl/20101125 GNU Optimization X
Anaconda v2.3.0 python distribution (python 2.7.10) Python info Anaconda 2.3.0 package list anaconda/2.3.0 GNU Python X
Anaconda v4.4.0 python distribution (python 2.7.13) Python info Anaconda 4 documentation anaconda/2.7/4.4.0 GNU Python X
Anaconda v4.4.0 python distribution (python 3.6.1)Python info Anaconda 4 documentation anaconda/3.6/4.4.0 GNU Python X X
Anaconda v4.4.0 python distribution (python 3.6.1)Python info Anaconda 4 documentation anaconda3/4.4.0 GNU Python X
Arpack v 96 - Arnoldi Method distributed parallel eigenvector software ARPACK 96 homepage arpack/96/gcc GNU MathStat X
Arpack v 96 - Arnoldi Method distributed parallel eigenvector software ARPACK 96 homepage arpack/96/pgi PGI MathStat X
Automatic Differentiation Model Builder v 11.2b AMDB manuals page admb/11.2b/gcc GNU ModSim X X
AWS v 1.11.170, Amazon web services command-line interface AWS CLI documentation aws/1.11.170 GNU Misc X X
BCFtools v 1.5-32, utility for manipulating bcf and vcf files BCFtools documentation bcftools/1.5-32 GNU Bio X
Bedtools v 2.17.0 utility for genomic manipulations Bedtools documentation bedtools/2.17.0 GNU Bio X
Bioinformatics programs (pamaunkey sub-cluster at VIMS) Bioinformatics programs page bio-informatic/20160426 GNU Bio X
Blasr v 20170925, the Pacific Biosciences long read aligner Blasr wiki blasr/20170925 GNU Bio X
Blat v 2013, UCSC sequence aligner Blat homepage blat/2013 GNU Bio X
Boost v 1.59.0, C++ libraries Boost 1.59.0 documentation boost/1.59.0/gcc-4.8.4 GNU Developer X X
Boost v 1.59.0, C++ libraries Boost 1.59.0 documentation boost/1.59.0/gcc-4.8.4 GNU Lib X
Bowtie v 1.1.2, Ultrafast memory-efficient short read aligner Bowtie v1 manual bowtie/1.1.2 GNU Bio X
Bowtie v 1.2.1, Ultrafast memory-efficient short read aligner Bowtie v1 manual bowtie/1.2.1 GNU Bio X
Bowtie2 v 2.1.0, Ultrafast memory-efficient short read aligner Bowtie2 manual bowtie2/2.1.0/gcc GNU Bio X
Bowtie2 v 2.3.2, Ultrafast memory-efficient short read aligner Bowtie2 manual bowtie2/2.3.2 GNU Bio X
Bowtie2 v Ultrafast memory-efficient short read aligner Bowtie2 manual bowtie2/ GNU Bio X
Cairo v 1.10.2, 2d vector graphics library Cairo documentation page cairo/1.10.2 GNU Graphics X
Charm++ v 6.5.0, parallel object-oriented language based on C++ Charm++ manual charm/6.5.0/gcc GNU ModSim X
Charm++ v 6.5.0, parallel object-oriented language based on C++ Charm++ manual charm/6.5.0/pgi PGI ModSim X
Cheetah v 2.4.4, open-source template and code generation tool Cheetah2 documentation cheetah/2.4.4 Developer X
Circonspect v 0.2.6, Contig spectrum generator Cironspect GitHub readme circonspect/0.2.6 Bio X
Cloog-ppl v 0.15.11, Chunky loop generator for Z-polyhedra (with PPL as backend) Cloog online manual cloog-ppl/0.15.11 GNU MathStat X
Cmake v 3.0.1, cross platform make Cmake 3.0 docs cmake/3.0.1 GNU Developer X X
Cmake v 3.5.2, cross platform make Cmake 3.5 docs cmake/3.5.2 GNU Developer X
Cmake v., software building tool Cmake 2.8.12 docs cmake/ GNU Developer X
Cmake v. 3.7.2, software building tool Cmake 3.7 docs cmake/3.7.2 Developer X X X
Cmake v. 3.9.2, software building tool Cmake 3.9 docs cmake/3.9.2 GNU Developer
Cmake v. 3.9.3, software building tool Cmake 3.9 docs cmake/3.9.3/gcc-4.9.4 GNU Developer X
Coin v 3.1.3, OpenGL-based 3d graphics library Coin 3.1.3 documentation coin/3.1.3 GNU Graphics X
Curl v 7.19.7, command line url fetcher Curl homepage curl/7.19.7 GNU Misc X
Curl v 7.26.0, command line url fetcher Curl homepage curl/7.26.0 GNU Misc X
Curl v 7.37.7, command line url fetcher Curl homepage curl/7.37.7 GNU Misc X
Erkale v r1524, Quantum chemistry program for atoms, molecules and clusters Erkale users guide erkale/r1524/gcc GNU ModSim X
Erkale v r1524, Quantum chemistry program for atoms, molecules and clusters Erkale users guide erkale/r1524/gcc-4.7.3 GNU ModSim X
Exonerate v 2.2.0, general purpose sequence comparison tool Exonerate homepage exonerate/2.2.0 GNU Bio X
FastLight ToolKit v 1.1.0, C++ GUI toolkit FLTK docs fltk/1.1.10 GNU UI X
FastLight ToolKit v 1.3.2, C++ GUI toolkit FLTK docs fltk/1.3.2 GNU UI X
Fastqc v 0.11.5, quality control tool for high throughput sequence data FastQC homepage fastqc/0.11.5 GNU Bio X
FFmpeg v 2.3.2 multimedia framework for encoding/decoding video Ffmpeg documentation page ffmpeg/2.3.2 GNU Graphics X
FFTW v 3.3.2 FFTW home page fftw/3.3.2/gcc GNU MathLib X
FFTW v 3.3.3 FFTW home page fftw/3.3.3/gcc GNU MathLib X X
FFTW v 3.3.3 FFTW home page fftw/3.3.3/pgi PGI MathLib X X
FFTW v 3.3.3 FFTW home page fftw/3.3.3/intel Intel MathLib X
FFTW v 3.3.6-pl1 FFTW home page fftw/3.3.6-pl1/intel Intel MathLib
FFTW v 3.3.6-pl2 FFTW home page fftw/3.3.6-pl2/gcc GNU MathLib X
FFTW v 3.3.6-pl2 FFTW home page fftw/3.3.6-pl2/intel Intel MathLib X
Framework in F# on top of selenium for writing UI automation Canopy 1.4.0 homepage canopy/1.4.0 Developer X
FreeGLUT v 2.8.0, Opensource alternative to GLUT FreeGLUT user interface freeglut/2.8.0/gcc GNU UI X
GAAS v 0.17, Genome relative Abundance and Average Size bio tool GAAS sourceforge readme gaas/0.17 Bio X
Gaussian 09 Local G09 docs gaussian/g09 GNU ModSim X X
Geant4 v 9.6.p02, high energy / particle physics toolkit Geant4 documentation page geant4/9.6.p02 GNU ModSim X
Geometry Engine Open Source v 3.3.2 GEOS homepage geos/3.3.2 GNU Geo X X
Geometry Engine Open Source v 3.4.2 GEOS homepage geos/3.4.2 GNU Geo X
Geometry Engine Open Source v 3.5.0 GEOS homepage geos/3.5.0 GNU Geo X
Geospatial Data Abstraction Layer v 1.11.0 GDAL homepage gdal/1.11.0 GNU Geo X
Geospatial Data Abstraction Layer v 1.11.0 (compiled without GRASS interface) GDAL homepage gdal-nograss/1.11.0 GNU Geo X
Geospatial Data Abstraction Layer v 1.11.2 (compiled without GRASS interface) GDAL homepage gdal-nograss/1.11.2 GNU Geo X X
Geospatial Data Abstraction Layer v 1.9.0 GDAL homepage gdal/1.9.0 GNU Geo X
Geospatial Data Abstraction Layer v 1.9.0 (compiled without GRASS interface) GDAL homepage gdal-nograss/1.9.0 GNU Geo X
Geospatial Data Abstraction Layer v 2.2.0 GDAL homepage gdal/2.2.0 GNU Geo X
Geospatial Data Abstraction Layer v 2.2.0 (compiled without GRASS interface) GDAL homepage gdal-nograss/2.2.0 GNU Geo X
Gifsicle utility for making animated GIFS v 1.88 Gifsicle homepage gifsicle/1.88 GNU Graphics X X
Git v 2.10.2, distributed version control software Git 2.10.2 documentation git/2.10.2 Developer X
Git v 2.11.0, distributed version control software Git 2.11.0 documentation git/2.11.0 GNU Developer X
Glib v 2.14.6 GNOME and GTK library Glib reference page glib/2.14.6 GNU Lib X
GNU Developer suite v 4.3.6 GNU compiler documentation gcc/4.3.6 Developer X
GNU Developer suite v 4.4.6 GNU compiler documentation gcc/4.4.6 Developer X X
GNU Developer suite v 4.5.3 GNU compiler documentation gcc/4.5.3 Developer X
GNU Developer suite v 4.7.0 GNU compiler documentation gcc/4.7.0 Developer X (def) X
GNU Developer suite v 4.7.3 GNU compiler documentation gcc/4.7.3 Developer X X (def) X (def) X
GNU Developer suite v 4.8.4 GNU compiler documentation gcc/4.8.4 Developer X X
GNU Developer suite v 4.9.4 GNU compiler documentation gcc/4.9.4 Developer X (def)
GNU Developer suite v 5.2.0 GNU compiler documentation gcc/5.2.0 Developer X X X
GNU Developer suite v 5.3.0 GNU compiler documentation gcc/5.3.0 Developer X
GNU Developer suite v 6.3.0 GNU compiler documentation gcc/6.3.0 Developer X (def)
GNU Developer suite v 7.2.0 GNU compiler documentation gcc/7.2.0 Developer X
GNU linear programming kit v 4.54 GLPK documentation page glpk/4.54 GNU MathStat X
GNU Multiple Precision Library v 4.1.4 GMP homepage gmp/4.1.4 GNU MathLib X
GNU Multiple Precision Library v 4.3.2 GMP homepage gmp/4.3.2 GNU MathLib X X
GNU Multiple Precision Library v 6.00 GMP homepage gmp/6.0.0 GNU MathLib X
GNU Multiple Precision Library v 6.12 GMP homepage gmp/6.1.2 GNU MathLib X
GNU Scientific Library v 1.1.5 GNU scientific library homepage gsl/1.15/gcc GNU MathLib X X
GNU Scientific Library v 1.9 GNU scientific library homepage gsl/1.9 GNU MathLib X
GNU Scientific Library v 2.1 GNU scientific library homepage gsl/2.1 GNU MathLib X
gotoblas2 1.13 GotoBlas/OpenBlas documentation gotoblas2/1.13/gcc GNU MathLib X X X
gotoblas2 1.13 GotoBlas/OpenBlas documentation gotoblas2/1.13/pgi PGI MathLib X X X
Graphics Magick v. 1.3.7, image processing system Graphicsmagick docs page grmagick/1.3.7 GNU Graphics X
Graphviz v2.40.1, Open source graph visualization software Graphviz documentation page graphviz/2.40.1 GNU Graphics X
Grass v 6.4.2, Geographic Resources Analysis support system Grass 6.4 documentation grass/6.4.2 GNU Geo X
Grass v 6.4.3, Geographic Resources Analysis support system Grass 6.4 documentation grass/6.4.3 GNU Geo X
Gurobi optimization software v 6.5.1 Gurobi homepage gurobi/6.5.1 Optimization X X
Gurobi optimization software v 6.5.1 Gurobi homepage gurobi/6.5.1 GNU Optimization X
Gurobi optimization software v 7.0.2 Gurobi homepage gurobi/7.0.2 Optimization X X
H5py - python interface to HDF5 v 2.3.1 H5py docs h5py/2.3.1 DataMgmt X
Hierarchical data format 5 v 1.8.11 HDF5 documentation hdf5/1.8.11/gcc GNU DataMgmt X
Hierarchical data format 5 v 1.8.11 HDF5 documentation hdf5/1.8.11/intel Intel DataMgmt X
Hierarchical data format 5 v 1.8.11 HDF5 documentation hdf5/1.8.11/intel-2016 Intel DataMgmt X
Hierarchical data format 5 v 1.8.11 HDF5 documentation hdf5/1.8.11/pgi PGI DataMgmt X
Hierarchical data format 5 v 1.8.13 HDF5 documentation hdf5/1.8.13/gcc GNU DataMgmt X X X X
Hierarchical data format 5 v 1.8.13 HDF5 documentation hdf5/1.8.13/pgi PGI DataMgmt X X X
Hierarchical data format 5 v 1.8.13 HDF5 documentation hdf5/1.8.13/intel Intel DataMgmt X
Hierarchical data format 5 v 1.8.18 HDF5 documentation hdf5/1.8.18/gcc GNU DataMgmt X
Hierarchical data format 5 v 1.8.18 HDF5 documentation hdf5/1.8.18/intel Intel DataMgmt X
Hierarchical data format 5 v 1.8.18 HDF5 documentation hdf5/1.8.18/intel-2016 Intel DataMgmt X
Hierarchical data format 5 v 1.8.18 HDF5 documentation hdf5/1.8.18/pgi-17.3 PGI DataMgmt X
Hierarchical data format v 4.2.10 HDF4 documentation hdf/4.2.10/gcc GNU DataMgmt X X X
Hierarchical data format v 4.2.10 HDF4 documentation hdf/4.2.10/pgi PGI DataMgmt X X
Hierarchical data format v 4.2.10 HDF4 documentation hdf/4.2.10/intel Intel DataMgmt X X
Hierarchical data format v 4.2.8 HDF4 documentation hdf/4.2.8/gcc GNU DataMgmt X
Hierarchical data format v 4.2.8 HDF4 documentation hdf/4.2.8/pgi PGI DataMgmt X
Hmmer v 3.1b2, tool for searching sequence databases for homologs Hmmer guide hmmer/3.1b2 GNU Bio X
HTSlib v 1.5-20, library for common sequence file formats HTSlib documentation htslib/1.5-20 GNU Bio X
Icorn v 0.97, aka ACORN software to correct ref. genome sequences Icorn documentation page icorn/0.97 Bio X
Intel MPI v 16.3.210 Intel MPI developer guide intel/mpi-2016 Intel MPI X
Intel MPI v 17.0.098 Intel MPI developer guide intel/mpi Intel MPI X X
Intel MPI v 17.0.098 Intel MPI developer guide intel/mpi-2017 Intel MPI X
Intel MPI v 17.2.174 Intel MPI developer guide intel/mpi-2017 Intel MPI X
Intel Parallel Studio XE 16.2.181 Intel parallel studio XE doc homepage intel/2016 Developer X X X
Intel Parallel Studio XE 16.3.210 Intel parallel studio XE doc homepage intel/2016 Developer X
Intel Parallel Studio XE 17.0.098 Intel parallel studio XE doc homepage intel/2017 Developer X (def) X (def) X (def) X (def)
Intel Parallel Studio XE 17.2.174 Intel parallel studio XE doc homepage intel/2017 Developer X (def)
Jags (Just Another Gibbs Sampler) v 4.2.0 Local user manual jags/4.2.0 GNU ModSim X
Java v 1.6.0_22 Java SE 6 documentation java/1.6.0_22 Developer X
Java v 1.7.0 Java SE 7 documentation java/1.7.0 Developer X
Java v 1.8.0 Java SE 8 documentation java/1.8.0 Developer X
Java v Java SE 8 documentation jdk/ Developer X
JPEG v 8d - Independent JPEG group software Jpeg-8d github page jpeg/8d GNU Graphics X
Julia v 0.3.10, high level languange for numerical programming Julia v 0.3 documentation julia/0.3.10 GNU Developer X
Lasange v 070915, lightweight library to train neural networks in Theano Lasange manual lasagne/070915 GNU Lib X
Lesstif v 0.95.2, free version of Motif widgets LessTif/Motif documentation lesstif/0.95.2 GNU Graphics X X
Libint v 2.0.3, high-performance library for Gaussian integrals Libinit 2.0.3 manual libint/2.0.3/gcc GNU MathLib X
Libxc v 2.0.3, exchange-correlation functionals for DFT LibXC wiki libxc/2.0.3/gcc GNU Lib X
Libxc v 2.2.0, exchange-correlation functionals for DFT LibXC wiki libxc/2.2.0/gcc GNU Lib X
Libxc v 2.2.0, exchange-correlation functionals for DFT LibXC wiki libxc/2.2.0/gcc GNU Lib X
Ligr_assemgler v 2.0.5, sequence assembly program LIGR readme file ligr_assembler/2.0.5 Bio X
LLVM Developer v 3.7.0 LLVM docs page llvm/3.7.0 GNU Developer X
LLVM Developer v 3.7.0 LLVM docs page llvm/3.7.0 GNU Developer X
LLVM Developer v 3.9.0 LLVM docs page llvm/3.9.0/intel Intel Developer
Maple v 2017.3 Maple online help maple/2017 MathStat X
Matlab Developer Runtime v R2012b Matlab compiler webpage mcr/R2012b Developer X
Matlab v R2016b Matlab online manual/help matlab/R2016b GNU ModSim X
Matlab v R2017a Matlab online manual/help matlab/R2017a MathStat X X
Matplotlib python module v 1.1.1 Python info Matplotlib 1.4.3 guide (1.1.1 docs not available) matplotlib/1.1.1 GNU Python X
Matplotlib python module v 1.4.3 Python info Matplotlib 1.4.3 guide matplotlib/1.4.3 GNU Python X
Maui scheduler Maui documentation maui/r156 GNU System X X X X X
Maui scheduler v 3.2.6p21 Maui documentation maui/3.2.6p21 GNU System X
Mcclintock v 20170908, pipeline for detecting transposable element insertions in genome data Mcclintock github page mcclintock/20170908 GNU Bio X
MCT - model coupling toolkit v 2.8.3 MCT homepage mct/2.8.3/gcc GNU ModSim X
MCT - model coupling toolkit v 2.8.3 MCT homepage mct/2.8.3/pgi PGI ModSim X
Mercurial v 3.7.1, distributed source control management python module Python info Mercurial online guide mercurial/3.7.1 Python X
Methypy v 2013112, python based sequencing lib Python info Methylpy wiki methylpy/20131112 Bio X
MPC v 0.8.2, multiple precision library for complex values MPC manual mpc/0.8.2 GNU MathLib X
MPFR v 2.4.2, Gnu multi-prec floating pointing library (w/ GMP 4.1.4) MPFR 2.4.2 guide mpfr/2.4.2 GNU MathLib X
MPFR v 2.4.2a, Gnu multi-prec floating pointing library (w/ GMP 4.3.2) MPFR 2.4.2 guide mpfr/2.4.2a GNU MathLib X
MPFR v 3.1.3, Gnu multi-prec floating pointing library MPFR 3.13 guide mpfr/3.1.3 MathLib X
Mummer v 3.23, rapid alignment of entire genomes Mummer3 manual mummer/3.23 GNU Bio X
Mummer v 4.0.0b1, rapid alignment of entire genomes Mummer v4 manual mummer/4.0.0b1 GNU Bio X
Mummer v 4.0.0b2, rapid alignment of entire genomes Mummer v4 manual mummer/4.0.0b2 GNU Bio X
Mutliwell Suite v2017, Thermodynamics / Chemistry software Multiwell homepage multiwell-2017/gcc GNU ModSim X
MVAPICH2 v 1.9 MVAPICH2-1.9 users guide mvapich2-ib/1.9/gcc GNU MPI X
MVAPICH2 v 1.9 MVAPICH2-1.9 users guide mvapich2-ib/1.9/gcc-4.4.6 GNU MPI X
MVAPICH2 v 1.9 MVAPICH2-1.9 users guide mvapich2-ib/1.9/pgi PGI MPI X
MVAPICH2 v 1.9 MVAPICH2-1.9 users guide mvapich2-ib/1.9/pgi-11.10 PGI MPI X
MVAPICH2 v 2.1a MVAPICH2-2.1a users guide mvapich2-ib/2.1a/pgi PGI MPI X
MVAPICH2 v 2.1a MVAPICH2-2.1a users guide mvapich2-ib/2.1a/pgi-15.4 PGI MPI X
MVAPICH2 v 2.2 MVAPICH2-2.2 users guide mvapich2/2.2/gcc-hfi GNU MPI X
MVAPICH2 v 2.2 MVAPICH2-2.2 users guide mvapich2/2.2/intel-hfi GNU MPI X
MVAPICH2 v 2.2 MVAPICH2-2.2 users guide mvapich2-ib/2.2/intel Intel MPI X X X
MVAPICH2 v 2.2 MVAPICH2-2.2 users guide mvapich2-ib/2.2/pgi-17.7 PGI MPI X X X
MVAPICH2 v 2.2 MVAPICH2-2.2 users guide mvapich2-ib/2.2/gcc-5.2.0 GNU MPI X X
MVAPICH2 v 2.2 MVAPICH2-2.2 users guide openmpi/2.1.1/gcc-4.8.4 GNU MPI X X
MVAPICH2 v 2.2 MVAPICH2-2.2 users guide mvapich2-ib/2.2/intel-2016 Intel MPI X
MVAPICH2 v 2.2 MVAPICH2-2.2 users guide mvapich2-ib/2.2/gcc-4.9.4 GNU MPI X
MVAPICH2 v 2.2 MVAPICH2-2.2 users guide mvapich2-ib/2.2/pgi PGI MPI X
MVAPICH2 v 2.2 MVAPICH2-2.2 users guide mvapich2-ib/2.2/gcc-4.8.4 GNU MPI
MVAPICH2 v 2.2 MVAPICH2-2.2 users guide mvapich2-ib/2.2/gcc GNU MPI
MVAPICH2 v 2.2 for TotalView MVAPICH2-2.2 users guide mvapich2-tv-ib/2.2/gcc-5.2.0 GNU MPI X
MVAPICH2 v 2.2 for TotalView MVAPICH2-2.2 users guide mvapich2-tv-ib/2.2/intel Intel MPI X
MVAPICH2 v 2.2 for TotalView MVAPICH2-2.2 users guide mvapich2-tv-ib/2.2/pgi-17.7 PGI MPI X
MVAPICH2 v 2.2 for TotalView MVAPICH2-2.2 users guide mvapich2-tv-ib/2.2/intel-2016 Intel MPI X
ncbi-blast v 2.2.28+, BLAST tool NCBI-BLAST help page ncbi-blast/2.2.28+ GNU Bio X
ncbi-blast v 2.3.0, BLAST tool NCBI-BLAST help page blast/2.3.0 GNU Bio X
ncbi-blast v 2.6.0, BLAST tool NCBI-BLAST help page blast/2.6.0 GNU Bio X
ncl v 6.3.0 NCAR command language NCL documentation ncl/6.3.0 Bio X
ncl-ncarg v 5.2.1 NCAR command language NCL documentation ncl-ncarg/5.2.1 GNU Bio X
NetCDF compare v NetCDF compare homepage nccmp/ GNU DataMgmt X
NetCDF compare v NetCDF compare homepage nccmp/ GNU DataMgmt X
NetCDF operators v 4.4.4 NetCDF opterators homepage nco/4.4.4 GNU DataMgmt X X
NetCDF v 3.6.2 NetCDF 3.6.2 documentation netcdf/3.6.2/pgi PGI DataMgmt X X
NetCDF v 3.6.2 NetCDF 3.6.2 documentation netcdf/3.6.2/gcc GNU DataMgmt X
NetCDF v 3.6.3 NetCDF 3.6.3 documentation netcdf/3.6.3/gcc GNU DataMgmt X X X X X
NetCDF v 3.6.3 NetCDF 3.6.3 documentation netcdf/3.6.3/pgi PGI DataMgmt X X X X
NetCDF v 3.6.3 NetCDF 3.6.3 documentation netcdf/3.6.3/pgi-11.10 PGI DataMgmt X X
NetCDF v 3.6.3 NetCDF 3.6.3 documentation netcdf/3.6.3/pgi-15.4 PGI DataMgmt X
NetCDF v 3.6.3 NetCDF 3.6.3 documentation netcdf/3.6.3/intel Intel DataMgmt X X X X X
NetCDF v 3.6.3 NetCDF 3.6.3 documentation netcdf/3.6.3/gcc-5.2.0 GNU DataMgmt X X
NetCDF v 3.6.3 NetCDF 3.6.3 documentation netcdf/3.6.3/pgi-16.3 PGI DataMgmt X
NetCDF v 3.6.3 NetCDF 3.6.3 documentation netcdf/3.6.3/intel-2016 Intel DataMgmt X X
NetCDF v 3.6.3 NetCDF 3.6.3 documentation netcdf/3.6.3/gcc-4.9.4 GNU DataMgmt X
NetCDF v 4.2-fortran NetCDF users guide netcdf/fortran-4.2/gcc GNU DataMgmt X X X
NetCDF v 4.2-fortran NetCDF users guide netcdf/fortran-4.2/pgi PGI DataMgmt X
NetCDF v 4.2-fortran NetCDF users guide netcdf/4.2-fortran/pgi PGI DataMgmt X X X
NetCDF v 4.2-fortran NetCDF users guide netcdf/4.2-fortran/intel Intel DataMgmt X X
NetCDF v 4.2-fortran NetCDF users guide netcdf/4.2-fortran/intel-2016 Intel DataMgmt X
NetCDF v 4.4.4-fortran NetCDF users guide netcdf/fortran-4.4.4/gcc GNU DataMgmt X
NetCDF v 4.4.4-fortran NetCDF users guide netcdf/fortran-4.4.4/pgi PGI DataMgmt X
NetCDF v 4.4.4-fortran NetCDF users guide netcdf/fortran-4.4.4/intel Intel DataMgmt X
NetCDF v 4.4.4-fortran NetCDF users guide netcdf/fortran-4.4.4/intel-2016 Intel DataMgmt X
NetCDF v 4.4.4-fortran NetCDF users guide netcdf/fortran-4.4.4/pgi-17.3 PGI DataMgmt X
NetCDF v4-4.2.1-cxx NetCDF users guide netcdf/cxx4-4.2.1/gcc GNU DataMgmt X X X
NetCDF v4-4.2.1-cxx NetCDF users guide netcdf/cxx4-4.2.1/pgi PGI DataMgmt X X X
NetCDF v4.3.0 NetCDF users guide netcdf/4.3.0/pgi PGI DataMgmt
NetCDF v4.3.2 NetCDF users guide netcdf/4.3.2/gcc GNU DataMgmt X X X X
NetCDF v4.3.2 NetCDF users guide netcdf/4.3.2/pgi PGI DataMgmt X X X X
NetCDF v4.3.2 NetCDF users guide netcdf/4.3.2/intel Intel DataMgmt X X
NetCDF v4.3.2 NetCDF users guide netcdf/4.3.2/intel-2016 Intel DataMgmt X
NetCDF v4.4.1.1 NetCDF users guide netcdf/ GNU DataMgmt X
NetCDF v4.4.1.1 NetCDF users guide netcdf/ PGI DataMgmt X
NetCDF v4.4.1.1 NetCDF users guide netcdf/ Intel DataMgmt X
NetCDF v4.4.1.1 NetCDF users guide netcdf/ Intel DataMgmt X
NetCDF v4.4.1.1 NetCDF users guide netcdf/ PGI DataMgmt X
NetCDF viewer v 2.1.2 NetCDF viewer homepage ncview/2.1.2 GNU DataMgmt X X
Newbler v 2.9, de nova DNA sequence assembly Local newbler documentation newbler/2.9 Bio X X
Newbler v 2.9, de nova DNA sequence assembly Local newbler documentation newbler/2.9 GNU Bio X
Numerical Python v 1.3.0 Python info Numpy 1.3 reference numpy/1.3.0 GNU Python X
Numerical Python v 1.6.0 Python info Numpy 1.6 reference numpy/1.6.0 GNU Python X
Numerical Python v 1.8.1 Python info NumPy 1.8.1 reference numpy/1.8.1 GNU Python X X
Numerical Python v 1.9.2 Python info NumPy 1.9 guide numpy/1.9.2 GNU Python X
Numerical Python v 1.9.2 Python info NumPy 1.9.2 reference numpy/1.9.2 GNU Python X
Numerical Python v 1.9.2 Python info NumPy 1.9.2 reference numpy/1.9.2 GNU Python X
NWCHEM v 6.3, PNNL DFT and QM suite NWCHEM documentation page nwchem/6.3 GNU ModSim X
Octave v 3.6.2 Open-source matlab alternative Octave manual octave/3.6.2 GNU ModSim X
Octave v 3.8.1 Open-source matlab alternative Octave manual octave/3.8.1 GNU ModSim X
OpenCV v 2.4.11, Open-source computer vision library OpenCV documentation opencv/2.4.11 GNU ModSim X
OpenCV v 3.3.1, Open-source computer vision library OpenCV 3.3.1 manual opencv/3.3.1/gcc-4.9.4 GNU Lib X
OpenMPI v 1.10.0 OpenMPI 1.10 user docs openmpi-ib/1.10.0/gcc GNU MPI X
OpenMPI v 1.10.0 OpenMPI 1.10 user docs openmpi-ib/1.10.6/gcc GNU MPI X
OpenMPI v 1.10.0 OpenMPI 1.10 user docs openmpi-ib/1.10.6/pgi PGI MPI X
OpenMPI v 2.1.1 OpenMPI 2.1 users docs openmpi/2.1.1/gcc-hfi GNU MPI X
OpenMPI v 2.1.1 OpenMPI 2.1 users docs openmpi/2.1.1/intel-hfi GNU MPI X
OpenMPI v 2.1.1 OpenMPI 2.1 users docs openmpi/2.1.1/intel Intel MPI X X X
OpenMPI v 2.1.1 OpenMPI 2.1 users docs openmpi/2.1.1/pgi-17.7 PGI MPI X X X
OpenMPI v 2.1.1 OpenMPI 2.1 users docs openmpi/2.1.1/gcc-5.2.0 GNU MPI X X
OpenMPI v 2.1.1 OpenMPI 2.1 users docs openmpi-ib/2.1.1/gcc GNU MPI X
OpenMPI v 2.1.1 OpenMPI 2.1 users docs openmpi-ib/2.1.1/gcc-5.2.0 GNU MPI X
OpenMPI v 2.1.1 OpenMPI 2.1 users docs openmpi-ib/2.1.1/intel Intel MPI X
OpenMPI v 2.1.1 OpenMPI 2.1 users docs openmpi-ib/2.1.1/pgi-17.7 PGI MPI X
OpenMPI v 2.1.1 OpenMPI 2.1 users docs openmpi/2.1.1/intel-2016 Intel MPI X X
OpenMPI v 2.1.1 OpenMPI 2.1 users docs openmpi/2.1.1/gcc-4.9.4 GNU MPI X
OpenMPI v 2.1.1 for TotalView OpenMPI 2.1 users docs openmpi-tv-ib/2.1.1/intel Intel MPI X
Parma Polyhedra Library v. 0.11.1 PPL 0.11.1 users guide ppl/0.11.1 GNU Lib X
PCRE - Perl compatible regular expressions PCRE homepage pcre/8.35 GNU Developer X
Perl v 5.26.0, the PERL programming language Perl homepage perl/5.26.0 GNU Developer X
PETSc v 3.7.4, Scalable parallel structures and libs PETSc homepage petsc/3.7.4/openmpi-2.1.1_intel Intel Developer X X X X
PETSc v 3.7.4, Scalable parallel structures and libs PETSc homepage petsc/3.7.4/mvapich2-2.2_intel Intel Developer X X
PETSc v 3.7.4, Scalable parallel structures and libs PETSc homepage petsc/3.7.4/openmpi-2.1.1_gcc-4.8.4 GNU Developer X X
PETSc v 3.7.4, Scalable parallel structures and libs PETSc homepage petsc/3.7.4/openmpi-2.1.1_gcc-5.2.0 GNU Developer X X
PETSc v 3.7.4, Scalable parallel structures and libs PETSc homepage petsc/3.7.4/openmpi-2.1.1_pgi-17.7 PGI Developer X X
PETSc v 3.7.4, Scalable parallel structures and libs PETSc homepage petsc/3.7.4/openmpi-2.1.1_intel-2016 Intel Developer X X
PETSc v 3.7.4, Scalable parallel structures and libs PETSc homepage petsc/3.7.4/mvapich2-2.2_gcc GNU Developer X
PETSc v 3.7.4, Scalable parallel structures and libs PETSc homepage petsc/3.7.4/mvapich2-2.2_pgi-17.7 PGI Developer X
PETSc v 3.7.4, Scalable parallel structures and libs PETSc homepage petsc/3.7.4/openmpi-2.1.1_gcc-4.9.4 GNU Developer X
PETSc v 3.7.4, Scalable parallel structures and libs PETSc homepage petsc/3.7.4/openmpi-2.1.1_pgi-17.7 PGI Developer
Phonopy v, phonon analysis software for VASP and QE Phonopy homepage phonopy/ GNU ModSim X
Pixman v. 0.24.0, low-level library for pixel manipulation Pixman homepage pixman/0.24.0 GNU Graphics X
Portland Group compiler suiite v 11.10 PGI compiler documentation pgi/11.10 Developer X (def) X X
Portland Group compiler suite v 14.3 PGI compiler documentation pgi/14.3 Developer X X (def) X (def) X
Portland Group compiler suite v 15.4 PGI compiler documentation pgi/15.4 Developer X
Portland Group compiler suite v 16.3 PGI compiler documentation pgi/16.3 Developer X (def) X
Portland Group compiler suite v 17.3 PGI compiler documentation pgi/17.3 Developer X
Portland Group compiler suite v 17.7 PGI compiler documentation pgi/17.7 Developer X X X X
Portland Group compiler suite v 8.06 PGI compiler documentation pgi/8.06 Developer X
PostgreSQL v 10.2, database software PostgreSQL 10 documentation postgres/10.2 GNU DataMgmt X
PostgreSQL v 9.1.4, database software PostgreSQL 9.1 documentation postgresql/9.1.4 GNU DataMgmt X
PostgreSQL v 9.4.3, database software PostgreSQL 9.4 documentation postgresql/9.4.3 Database X X
Proj v 4.7.0, Cartographic projection software Proj homepage proj/4.7.0 GNU Geo X X
Proj v 4.8.0, Cartographic projection software Proj homepage proj/4.8.0 Geo X
Protobuf v. 2.6.1, protocol buffers - Google data interchange format software Protocol buffers homepage protobuf/2.6.1 GNU Graphics X
Psycopg2 v 2.5, PostgresSQL with python Psychopg2 2.5 documentation psycopg2/2.5 GNU DataMgmt X
Pyscf v 1.2.2, python based chemistry simulations module Python info Pyscf homepage pyscf/1.2.2 ModSim X
Pyscf v 1.4b, python based chemistry simulations module Python info Pyscf homepage pyscf/1.4b ModSim X
Python 2.6.6Python info Python 2.6.6 documentation python/2.6.6 GNU Developer X
Python 2.7.11 Python info Python 2.7.11 documentation python/2.7.11 GNU Developer X X
Python 2.7.13 Python info Python 2.7.13 documentation python/2.7.13 GNU Python X
Python 2.7.13 Python info Python 2.7.13 documentation python/2.7.13/gcc-4.9.4 GNU Python X
Python 2.7.13 Python info Python 2.7.13 documentation python/2.7.13/intel Intel Python X
Python 2.7.2 Python info Python 2.7.2 documentation python/2.7.2 GNU Python X
Python 2.7.5 Python info Python 2.7.5 documentation python/2.7.5/gcc GNU Python X
Python 2.7.8 Python info Python 2.7.8 documentation python/2.7.8 GNU Python X
Python 3.4.5 Python info Python 3.4.5 documentation python/3.4.5 GNU Python X
Python 3.5.3 Python info Python 3.5.3 documentation python/3.5.3/intel Intel Python X X
Python Imaging Library v 1.1.7 PIL handbook pil/1.1.7 GNU ModSim X
Python interface to HDF4 PyHDF homepage pyhdf/0.8.3 GNU DataMgmt X
Qhull v 2012.1, Convex hull software Qhull homepage qhull/2012.1/gcc GNU ModSim X
Qhull v 2012.1, Convex hull software Qhull homepage qhull/2012.1/pgi PGI ModSim X
QRupdate - Fortran library for fast updates of QR and Cholesky decomp. Qrupdate sourceforge page qrupdate/1.1.2 GNU MathLib X
Qt v 4.6.4, Cross platform application framework Qt v4.6 documentation qt/4.6.4 GNU UI X
Qt v 5.9.1, Cross platform application framework Qt v5.9 documentation qt/5.9.1 GNU UI X
Quantum Espresso v 6.1 Quantum Espresso homepage espresso/6.1/intel Intel ModSim X X X X
R v 3.1.0 statistical computing - compiled with ACML R project homepage r/3.1.0-acml GNU MathStat X X
R v 3.1.0, statistical computing R project homepage r/3.1.0 GNU MathStat X X X X
R v 3.2.1 statistical computing R project homepage r/3.2.1 GNU MathStat X X X
R v 3.2.1 statistical computing R project homepage r/3.2.1-gcc484 GNU MathStat X
R v 3.2.5 statistical computing R project homepage r/3.2.5 GNU MathStat X X
R v 3.4.0 statistical computing R project homepage r/3.4.0 GNU MathStat X X X
R v 3.4.0 statistical computing R project homepage r/3.4.0/gcc GNU MathStat X
R v 3.4.0 statistical computing R project homepage r/3.4.0/intel GNU MathStat X
R v 3.4.0, statistical computing R project homepage r/3.4.0 GNU MathStat X X
Repeatmasker v 4-0-7, scans sequences for interspersed repeats Repeatmasker homepage repeatmasker/4-0-7 GNU Bio X
Rmblast v 2.6.0, repeatmaker compatible version of BLAST RMBlast homepage rmblast/2.6.0 GNU Bio X
Root v 5.34.10 Data analysis framework Root v5 manual root/5.34.10 GNU ModSim X
Ruby programming language v 2.4.1 Ruby 2.4.1 docs ruby/2.4.1 Developer X
Rust v 1.18.0, systems programming language Rust documentation page rust/1.18.0 GNU Developer X
Sage v 5.1, open-source mathematical software Sage support and documentation page sage/5.1 GNU MathStat X
Samtools v 0.1.19, Sequence alignment/map tools HTSlib page samtools/0.1.19/gcc GNU Bio X X
Samtools v 1.5, Sequence alignment/map tools HTSlib page samtools/1.5 GNU Bio X
Scalable Parallel Random Number Generators Library v 2.0 SPRNG homepage sprng-2.0/intel Intel MathLib X X X
Scalable Parallel Random Number Generators Library v 2.0 SPRNG homepage sprng-2.0/gcc GNU MathLib
Scientific Python v 0.10.1 Python info SciPy 0.15.1 reference scipy/0.10.1 GNU Python X
Scientific Python v 0.12.0 Python info SciPy 0.12.1 reference scipy/0.12.0 GNU Python X
Scientific Python v 0.14.0 Python info SciPy 0.14.0 reference scipy/0.14.0 GNU Python X X
Scientific Python v 0.15.1 Python info SciPy 0.15.1 guide scipy/0.15.1 GNU Python X
Scientific Python v 0.15.1 Python info SciPy 0.15.1 reference scipy/0.15.1 GNU Python X
Scikit-image python module v 0.11 Python info SciKit-image 0.11 documentation skimage/0.11 GNU Python X
Scikit-learn python module v 0.16.1 Python info SciKit-learn 0.16 documenation sklearn/0.16.1 GNU Python X
Scons v 2.4.1, software construction tool (python based) Python info Scons homepage scons/2.4.1 Python X
SoQt v 1.5.0, Qt GUI toolkit for Coin SoQt documentation page soqt/1.5.0 GNU UI X
SRAtoolkit v 2.8.2-1, sequence reading toolkit SRAtoolkit overview sratoolkit/2.8.2-1 GNU Bio X
Stacks - software pipeline for building loci from short-read sequences v 1.46 Stacks homepage stacks/1.46 GNU Bio X
Stata v 14.1, statisical software (only 2 unique users can use at one time) Stata 14 users guide stata/14.1 MathStat X
Subversion v 1.7.6, version control software Subversion 1.7 docs subversion/1.7.6 Developer X X
Subversion v 1.9.5, version control software Subversion 1.9 docs subversion/1.9.5 GNU Developer X
Suitesparse v 3.7.1, a collection of sparse matrix libraries Suitesparse github page suitesparse/3.7.1/gcc GNU MathStat X
Suitesparse v 3.7.1, a collection of sparse matrix libraries Suitesparse github page suitesparse/3.7.1/pgi PGI MathStat X
Texinfo v 4.13, the GNU documentation format Texinfo manual texinfo/4.13 GNU Doc X
Texlive v2017, latex and xetex software Texlive manual texlive/2017 GNU Doc X
Theano v 0.8.2, Python library for efficient multi-dim arrays Python info Theano 0.8 documenation page theano/0.8.2 GNU Python X
Torque batch system Torque documentation torque/ GNU System X X X X X
Torque batch system v 5.1.2 Torque documentation torque/5.1.2 System X
Totalview v 8.15.7 debugging software for serial or parallel/MPI code Totalview 8.15 guide totalview/8.15.7 Developer X X
TrimGalore! - A wrapper tool around Cutadapt and FastQC to consistently apply quality and adapter trimming to FastQ files - v 0.4.1 TrimGalore users guide trim_galore/0.4.1 Bio X
Trinity v 2.2.0, RNA-Seq de novo transcription assembly Trinity users guide trinity/2.2.0 Bio X
Trinity v 2.4.0, RNA-Seq de novo transcription assembly Trinity users guide trinity/2.4.0 GNU Bio X
Udunits v 2.2.16 provides physical units bindings Udunits2 guide udunits/2.2.16/gcc GNU DataMgmt X X
Udunits v 2.2.16 provides physical units bindings Udunits2 guide udunits/2.2.16/pgi PGI DataMgmt X X
Udunits v 2.2.24 provides physical units bindings Udunits2 guide udunits/2.2.24/gcc GNU DataMgmt X
Udunits v 2.2.24 provides physical units bindings Udunits2 guide udunits/2.2.24/pgi PGI DataMgmt X
Valgrind v 3.12.0, Instrumentation framework / memory analysis tool Valgrind user manual valgrind/3.12.0/gcc GNU Developer X X
Valgrind v 3.6.0, Instrumentation framework / memory analysis tool Valgrind user manual valgrind/3.6.0 GNU Developer X
VASP v 5.3, Vienna Ab-initio Simulation Package VASP user manual vasp/5.3 PGI ModSim X X
Vcftools v 0.1.15, utility for working with VCF files VCFtools manual page vcftools/0.1.15 GNU Bio X
VISIT v 2.12.3, visulation software and interface Visit homepage visit/2.12.3 GNU Graphics X
VTK v 5.10.0, Visualization tool kit VTK 5.10.0 documentation vtk/5.10.0 GNU Graphics X
Wannier90 v 1.2, Wannier function software for VASP and QE Wannier90 users guide wannier90/intel/1.2 GNU ModSim X
Wannier90 v 2.1.0, Wannier function software for VASP and QE Wannier90 users guide wannier90/gcc/2.1.0 GNU ModSim X
Wannier90 v 2.1.0, Wannier function software for VASP and QE Wannier90 users guide wannier90/pgi/2.1.0 PGI ModSim X
Wannier90 v 2.1.0, Wannier function software for VASP and QE Wannier90 users guide wannier90/intel/2.1.0 GNU ModSim X
wxPython module v. 2.8.12 Python info wxPython wiki wxpython/ GNU Python X X
Xerces-c v 3.1.1, C++ XML parser Xerces-c homepage xerces-c/3.1.1/gcc GNU Lib X
Yasm - complete rewrite of the Netwide Assembler (NASM) - v 1.3.0 YASM homepage yasm/1.3.0 GNU Developer X